Learn Polish Language Easy and Free - What is Dopełniacz ? (Part 1)

January 19, 2019

Learn Polish Language - What is Dopełniacz ?

Dopełniacz is a form that is more often used among other basic form of grammar. The use of Dopełniacz are to indicate possession, state the negation the form of Biernik and many more. In this article I would describe more about the use of Dopełniacz

The form of Question used for Dopełniacz

Kogo? (Who) / Czego ? (What) is used to state question in Dopełniacz. 
For Example :
Kogo nie lubisz ? Who you don’t like?
Czego nie lubisz ? What you don’t like ?

The Pattern of Dopelniacs

Singular Dopelniacs 

Pattern SIngular Dopelniacz - Learn Polish Language - What is Dopełniacz ?
Pattern Singular Dopelniacz - Learn Polish Language - What is Dopełniacz ?

Explanation :

A. Noun / Rzeczownik - Dopełniacz 

1.Male / R. meski - Dopełniacz 
For male, there are 2 categorization. Living things (Human, animal) and non-living thing
The form for Living things, the ending must be changed to a. For example : 
Kot -> Kota
Aksan (name) -> Aksana
Zen (name) -> Zena
Naucziciel -> Naucziciela
Profesor -> Profesora
Willy (name) -> Willego (Not regular, because the name is not Polish name).

But, the form for Object (non-living things), the endings must be changed to a or u. According to my teacher, there is no rule when a word must be changed to a or u. So, reading Polish text, listening Polish conversation or song, and watching Polish movies can absolutely help a lot. 
For example :
Telefon -> Telefonu
Fotel -> Fotela
Sok -> Soku
Ryz -> Ryzu
Pomidor -> Pomidora
Chleb -> Chleba
Banan -> Banana

2. Female / R. Zeski - Dopełniacz 
For Female, there are two kind of endings, y or i. We use i when the ending of a word is k or g. Some example below will give a clear understanding of when to use the y/i.
For example :
Siotra -> Siostry
Studentka -> Studentki
Filologia -> Filologii
Dorota -> Doroty

3. Neutral / R. Niaki - Dopełniacz 
For Neutral, the ending can only be changed to a. 
For ezample :
Mieszkanie -> Mieszkania
Dziecko -> Dziecka
Miasto -> Miasta

B. Adjective / Przymiotnik - Dopełniacz 

Not only the noun, the form of adjective can change too. There are 3 type of changes related to gender. As we all know, there are three genders, male (r.meski), female (r.zeski), and neutral (r.niaki).

1. Male / R. meski - Dopełniacz 
For male (living things or non living things), the ending will only change to ego.
For Example :
Dobry -> Dobrego
Pomaranczowy -> Pomaranczowego
Ten -> tego
Moj -> Mojego
Mily -> Milego
Maly -> Malego

2. Female / R. zeski - Dopełniacz 
The change of ending can be ej or iej. The ending of word must be changed to iej if the ending of word is k or g
For example:
Dobra -> Dobrej
Ladna -> Ladnej
Nudna -> Nudnej
Duza -> Duzej
Francuszka -> Francuszkiej

3. Niaki / R. niaki - Dopełniacz 
For Neutral, the ending will only change to ego.
For Example :
Duzo -> Duzego
Male -> Malego
Drogie -> Drogiego
Tanie -> Taniego

Example in full Sentence - Dopełniacz 

These are some example in Dopełniacz  that combines Noun / Rzeczownik and  Adjective / Przymiotnik.

Example :

Soku Pomaranczowego
Dobrego psa

Even though the form is correct, but those example is not complete. Remember, apart from using Dopelniacs as the negation form of Biernik, Dopelniacs are used for some form. For instance, Dopelniacs as negation of Biernik : Nie mam Soku Pomaranczowego, nie znam dobrego Profesora, nie słucham doroty.

The next part of this article is continued here : Learn Polish Language Easy and Free - What is Dopełniacz ? (Part 2).

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