I have dreams | Should I achieve them all ?

December 08, 2016
Assalamualaikum.. I am gonna be telling you the summary of my life experience lol..  let's go!
When I was just a little cute boy I wanted to be a doctor beacuse I thought I could heal and help sick people. Then I grew older, I wanted to be a teacher because I thought I could help people to reach their dreams. As the time goes by, I realized that all I need to be is becoming a useful person to his friends because I can just do it whenever and wherever I want.

when you were a kid, what is your dream ? | I have dreams | Should I achieve them all ?

Time flies so fast. A little cute boy transformed becoming a youngster. And when I was in junior high,I wanted to be the best among my friends, at least in the 2nd (lol), then I study so much harder to able to prove my teacher and my friends that I can be something special that nobody else does. And yes, I could retain the first rank untill the 2nd year and became the 4th at the last year of junior high (my rivals, @sutyme, @hanan_vinzayyes, and Ula(alm) beat me, lmao). I joined competitions and I won it.

The story goes on. I accepted in Islamic vocational high school and took computer networking as my major. And I still study very hard. In the first year, I got the 2nd rank, for the second year, my teacher didn't tell me the ranks and the last year I got the first. Again, I joined competitions and won, and lose sometimes :( .. but it is not even a big deal for me because I can just try again.

Then I passed through the years. Now I am 20 , a computer science student in one of state university in Madura. I still want to be the best among my friends and prove it. I still study so hard for it. I joined organizations, and almost become the important one in each events I held. I dare myself to join competitions, I win and lose sometimes (I have been around in failures but I don't care).

I have a motto, if other people can do it, I certainly can do it too. And I always do the best I can to reach my dreams.

Now, I just found myself still thirsty of more achievements, experiences and challenges. Hundred seeds of dream are now growing in my heart and it trigger me to follow it with no exception, for the best of me. Yes, now I am trying to reach all of it by giving my best shot in every single chance that is given, even though I know I can't just get it all. HE knows best right?

2016 has led me to know who I really am and understand myself.

I actually like the open book, everyone knows me better than me. I don't like to wait people too long and don't like to make people wait for me too long as well. I dislike of being ignored when in a conversation or in a meeting (I was a bullied guy, so I know how does it feel to be alone, ignored and hurt). I take full of responsibility for what I have taken or given and I always give my best on it. I am a hard worker guy and only give someone a trust, only one, if they break it,  I will trust them no more. I love to work in team, the team that have big responsibility. Once I love, I love so much. And it is all about me that people might have to know.

I don't know it's too late or not,  but I think it is the perfect time to reach my real dreams and stay away from those who have smile fakes on their faces saying to reach the dream together. I am tired to work with people who don't care with their responsibility (I think I just said it above).

Grow good, little dreams in my heart! Oneday you will be huge and strong! and I will find my way to get you!.

Thank you a bunch for reading... I hope you will find something useful for you :)
Wassalamaualaikum wr. wb.

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