Pengalaman Mendapatkan IP Sempurna 4.00 - Cara Mendapatkan IP Sempurna 4.00

November 06, 2017 Add Comment

Sebelumnya, marilah kita selalu mengucapkan Alhamdulillah, karena kita senantiasa diberikan rahmat serta kesehatan oleh Allah pada hari ini (semoga yang sakit bisa cepat sembuh setelah membaca postingan ini) dan nikmat rezeki berupa kuota internet, baik yang kuotanya berlebih, sedikit , kecepatannya yang lemot , standart ataupun cepat.. semua itu patut disukuri kan ? hehe.

Hari ini saya sangat bahagia sekali dan saya ingin membagikan kebahagian ini untuk anda dan semua insan yang membaca artikel yang agak kurang jelas intronya (baca : opening, pembukaan). Judul dari postingan ini yaitu Mimpi yang terwujud, IP Sempurna. IP merupakan singakatan dari Indeks Prestasi dimana IP ini merupakan tolak ukur bagi mahasiswa terkait hasil belajar yang telah di ikuti selama satu semester. 

Pengalaman Mendapatkan IP Sempurna 4.00 - Cara Mendapatkan IP Sempurna 4.00

Alhamdulillah sekali di semester 5 ini saya bisa memenuhi salah satu impian saya yang saya benar-benar impikan dari semester 1 hingga saat ini. Ya.. Alhamdulillah dengan rahmat yang Allah berikan kepada saya, akhirnya saya bisa membuktikan bahwa saya bisa mendapatkan IP 4.00 .

Pengalaman Mendapatkan IP Sempurna 4.00 - Cara Mendapatkan IP Sempurna 4.00
Pengalaman Mendapatkan IP Sempurna 4.00 - Cara Mendapatkan IP Sempurna 4.00

Mengapa Baru sekarang mendapat IP 4.00 ?

Dari semester kemarin saya selalu nyaris mendapatkan IP 4.00, namun karena keterbatasan dan kurang optimalnya saya dalam belajar pada semester sebelumnya, saya gagal mendapatkan IP 4.00, hehe. Seriously, I thank God for this.. for this awesome unpredictable final score!

Sebenarnya saya tidak pernah menyangka akan mendapat nilai sempurna di semester 5, karena disemester 5 ini semuanya serba WOW.. mulai dari tugasnya yang senantiasa bersemi baik dimusim dingin atau di musim panas, praktikum yang Asistennya jika memberi tugas tidak nanggung-nanggung banyaknya (PCD), materinya yang high quality hingga dosennya yang alhamdulliah baik-baik semua ahah.

Apa ada trik lain atau menggunakan guna-guna :v ? 

NO trick! … , I have no trick.. apalagi menggunakan guna-guna lol, what I did was Jadi Mahasiswa yang sewajarnya.. Gila diluar, baik didalam (serius jika dir uang kelas) hehe

Bagaimana proses belajarnya ? 

Sebenarnya proses belajarnya sama seperti semester-semster sebelumnya, yaitu datang, dengarkan sambil tulis point-pointnya, kerjakan tugasnya dengan cepat, telit dan yakin benar dan tidak menunggu-nunggu besok atau besok dan besok-besoknya lagi untuk mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan dosen.

Semua tugas harus dikerjakan deengan maksimal agar hidup bisa tenang di akhir pekan. Tambah lagi, start tidur di atas jam 20 dan dibawah jam 21.30 malam agar besok subuhnya bisa melanjutkan pekerjaan rumah atau tugas-tugas menggila yang selalu diberikan dosen.

Apakah belajar di setiap hari-harinya ? 

No, biasanya sebelum belajar meneympatkan waktu untuk dengerin music atau nonton video di youtube kira kira sekitar 10 – 15 menitan. Biasanya sabtu – minggu asik internetan asalkan tugasnya udah pada selesai.

Pelajaran yang paling disukai.. ? dan yang paling berat dipahami di semester 5 ? 

STKI & Pemrograman Web. Kedua pelajaran ini yang sangat mengerti sekali hidup saya lol, I mean.. saya senang sekali medapatkan tugas atau project yang berhubungan dengan keduanya.. karena sepertinya nyambung sekali dengan masa depan saya.

Selain itu, untuk pelajaran yang sulit nyantolnya yaitu PCD atau dalam bahasa kerennya biasa disebut Pengolahan Citra Digital. Well, sebenarnya saya tidak tahu menahu tentang rumus matematika, jika boleh dikatan.. saya sedikit mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami fungsi-fungsi, rumus-rumus yang berhubungan dengan matematika.. but it’s real! , eventhough I know how to code, but I have a trouble in understanding math. Biasanya sebelum ngoding PCD cari tahu dulu rentetan rumusnya, bagaimana jalannya dan seterusnya karena Serius, susah sekali untuk saya memahami rumus matematika.. apalagi jika bertemu dengan sin, tang, obeng, dan sejenisnya…

Apa yang ingin dilakukan selanjutnya ? 

Retain the IP sampai lulus kuliah. Memmpertahankan IP 4, karena nilai di atas 4 kan sudah tidak ada, jadi mau tidak mau harus bisa dipertahankan. Semster 6 di depan isinya akan banyak sekali pelajaran pilihan / bidang minat.

Saya berencana akan mengambil Sistem Terdistribusi Jaringan sebagai focus utama saya. Dan mungkin agak lebih kea rah retrieval atau kea arah jaringan murninya.. haha entahlah. 

Semoga saja semester depan saya bisa mempertahankan IP 4, karena seriously untuk mempertahankan sesuatu itu lumayan sulit… apalagi jika sudah berada di the toppest.. Kita lihat saja semester depan.. 

Menurut saya, kita mungkin boleh bangga bisa mendapatkan IP yang sempurna namun IP yang tinggi tidak akan menentukan kesuksesan seseorang di masa yang akan datang. malah, banyak juga yang memiliki IPK Cumlaude namun tidak memiliki pekerjaan. Berdasarkan informasi yangs aya dapatkan, sebenarnya yang dibutuhkan didunia luar adalah soft / hard skill, kemampuan memcahkan masalah dan ide-ide cemerlang yang dimiliki sesorang yang harus selalu di asah saat melaksanakan proses belajar.. 

Terimakasih sudah mampir dan mambaca postingan ini :D Adapun saya menulis postingan ini hanya bertujan untuk menyimpan cerita yang mungkin kelak anak cucu saya bisa baca dan bukan bermaksud menyombongkan diri... :)

Wassalamualaikum :)

Cara Mudah dan Cepat Membuat Highlighter Code Pemrograman di Postingan Blog

November 01, 2017 Add Comment


Kali ini saya akan membagikan tips bagaimana memperindah kode programan kita di Artikel atau postingan Blogger. Istilah yang digunakan adalah Syntax Highlighter.

Cara Mudah dan Cepat Membuat Highlighter Code Pemrograman di Postingan Blog 

Menambah syntax highlighter akan memeprindah tampilan kode pemrograman. Adapun tampilan pemrograman ini bisa digunakan untuk HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, C, C++, Java, PERL, XML, XHTML dan bahasa pemrograman lainnya. Syntax HIghlighter yang saya akan jelaskan disini adalah menggunakan google-prettyfy. Jadi insyaAllah aman dan cepat.

Keunggulan dari code-google-prettify

1. Dibuat oleh Google.
2. Sangat responsif
3. Mudah digunakan
4. Lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan syntax highlighter lainnya
5. bisa mengakses berbagai tema.

Bagaiamana caranya Menambah atau Membuat Highlighter Code Pemrograman di Postingan Blog

1. Install Google Code Prettify Javascript

Caranya yaitu masuk ke dashboard, pilih theme, lalu klik Edit HTML.
Tambahkan Script dibawah ini sebelum tag <body>.

2. Memasang CSS untuk tema Highlighter

Adapun saya mengetahui beberapa tema highlighter yang bagus.
A. Tema ini Desert Theme oleh Anatholy
Berikut adalah kodenya :
<!--Desert theme-->
<style type="text/css">pre .atn,pre .kwd,pre .tag{font-weight:700}pre.prettyprint{display:block;background-color:#333}pre .nocode{background-color:none;color:#000}pre .str{color:#ffa0a0}pre .kwd{color:khaki}pre .com{color:#87ceeb}pre .typ{color:#98fb98}pre .lit{color:#cd5c5c}pre .pln,pre .pun{color:#fff}pre .tag{color:khaki}pre .atn{color:#bdb76b}pre .atv{color:#ffa0a0}pre .dec{color:#98fb98}ol.linenums{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;color:#AEAEAE}li.L0,li.L1,li.L2,li.L3,li.L5,li.L6,li.L7,li.L8{list-style-type:none}@media print{pre.prettyprint{background-color:none}code .str,pre .str{color:#060}code .kwd,pre .kwd{color:#006;font-weight:700}code .com,pre .com{color:#600;font-style:italic}code .typ,pre .typ{color:#404;font-weight:700}code .lit,pre .lit{color:#044}code .pun,pre .pun{color:#440}code .pln,pre .pln{color:#000}code .tag,pre .tag{color:#006;font-weight:700}code .atn,pre .atn{color:#404}code .atv,pre .atv{color:#060}}</style>

B. Tema Sunburst oleh david
<!--SunBurst theme-->
<style type="text/css">code .str,pre .str{color:#65B042}code .kwd,pre .kwd{color:#E28964}code .com,pre .com{color:#AEAEAE;font-style:italic}code .typ,pre .typ{color:#89bdff}code .lit,pre .lit{color:#3387CC}code .pln,code .pun,pre .pln,pre .pun{color:#fff}code .tag,pre .tag{color:#89bdff}code .atn,pre .atn{color:#bdb76b}code .atv,pre .atv{color:#65B042}code .dec,pre .dec{color:#3387CC}code.prettyprint,pre.prettyprint{background-color:#000;border-radius:8px}pre.prettyprint{width:95%;margin:1em auto;padding:1em;white-space:pre-wrap}ol.linenums{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;color:#AEAEAE}li.L0,li.L1,li.L2,li.L3,li.L5,li.L6,li.L7,li.L8{list-style-type:none}@media print{code .str,pre .str{color:#060}code .kwd,pre .kwd{color:#006;font-weight:700}code .com,pre .com{color:#600;font-style:italic}code .typ,pre .typ{color:#404;font-weight:700}code .lit,pre .lit{color:#044}code .pun,pre .pun{color:#440}code .pln,pre .pln{color:#000}code .tag,pre .tag{color:#006;font-weight:700}code .atn,pre .atn{color:#404}code .atv,pre .atv{color:#060}}</style>

C. Tema Default
<!--Default theme-->
<style type="text/css">.pln{color:#000}@media screen{.str{color:#080}.kwd{color:#008}.com{color:#800}.typ{color:#606}.lit{color:#066}.clo,.opn,.pun{color:#660}.tag{color:#008}.atn{color:#606}.atv{color:#080}.dec,.var{color:#606}.fun{color:red}}@media print,projection{.kwd,.tag,.typ{font-weight:700}.str{color:#060}.kwd{color:#006}.com{color:#600;font-style:italic}.typ{color:#404}.lit{color:#044}.clo,.opn,.pun{color:#440}.tag{color:#006}.atn{color:#404}.atv{color:#060}}pre.prettyprint{padding:2px;border:1px solid #888}ol.linenums{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0}li.L0,li.L1,li.L2,li.L3,li.L5,li.L6,li.L7,li.L8{list-style-type:none}li.L1,li.L3,li.L5,li.L7,li.L9{background:#eee}</style>

D. Tema Son Of Obsidian by Alex

<!--Sons of Obsidian theme-->
<style type="text/css">.str{color:#EC7600}.kwd{color:#93C763}.com{color:#66747B}.typ{color:#678CB1}.lit{color:#FACD22}.pln,.pun{color:#F1F2F3}.tag{color:#8AC763}.atn{color:#E0E2E4}.atv{color:#EC7600}.dec{color:purple}pre.prettyprint{border:0 solid #888}ol.linenums{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0}.prettyprint{background:#000}li.L0,li.L1,li.L2,li.L3,li.L4,li.L5,li.L6,li.L7,li.L8,li.L9{color:#555;list-style-type:decimal}li.L1,li.L3,li.L5,li.L7,li.L9{background:#111}@media print{.kwd,.tag,.typ{font-weight:700}.str{color:#060}.kwd{color:#006}.com{color:#600;font-style:italic}.typ{color:#404}.lit{color:#044}.pun{color:#440}.pln{color:#000}.tag{color:#006}.atn{color:#404}.atv{color:#060}}</style>

E. Tema Doxy by Robert
<!--Doxy theme--> <style type="text/css">a,code.prettyprint a,pre.prettyprint a{text-decoration:none}code .str,pre .str{color:#fec243}code .kwd,pre .kwd{color:#8470FF}code .com,pre .com{color:#32cd32;font-style:italic}code .typ,pre .typ{color:#6ecbcc}code .lit,pre .lit{color:#d06}code .pun,pre .pun{color:#8B8970}code .pln,pre .pln{color:#f0f0f0}code .tag,pre .tag{color:#9c9cff}code .htm,pre .htm{color:plum}code .xsl,pre .xsl{color:#d0a0d0}code .atn,pre .atn{color:#46eeee;font-weight:400}code .atv,pre .atv{color:#EEB4B4}code .dec,pre .dec{color:#3387CC}code.prettyprint,pre.prettyprint{font-family:'Droid Sans Mono','CPMono_v07 Bold','Droid Sans';font-weight:700;font-size:9pt;background-color:#0f0f0f;-moz-border-radius:8px;-webkit-border-radius:8px;-o-border-radius:8px;-ms-border-radius:8px;-khtml-border-radius:8px;border-radius:8px}pre.prettyprint{width:95%;margin:1em auto;padding:1em;white-space:pre-wrap}ol.linenums{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;color:#8B8970}li.L0,li.L1,li.L2,li.L3,li.L5,li.L6,li.L7,li.L8{list-style-type:none}@media print{code.prettyprint,pre.prettyprint{background-color:#fff}code .str,pre .str{color:#088}code .kwd,pre .kwd{color:#006;font-weight:700}code .com,pre .com{color:#oc3;font-style:italic}code .typ,pre .typ{color:#404;font-weight:700}code .lit,pre .lit{color:#044}code .pun,pre .pun{color:#440}code .pln,pre .pln{color:#000}code .tag,pre .tag{color:#b66ff7;font-weight:700}code .htm,code .xsl,pre .htm,pre .xsl{color:#606;font-weight:700}code .atn,pre .atn{color:#c71585;font-weight:400}code .atv,pre .atv{color:#088;font-weight:400}}</style>

3. Cara menggunakan di postingan Blog

Setelah selelsai, maka langkah berikutnya yaitu bagaimana cara memasukkan code highlighter di blog. Caranya yaitu.
A. Masuk ke HTML mode.
B. Masukan kode : <pre class="prettyprint"><code class="language-html">Kode disini</code></pre>
C. Masukkan Kodingan di "Kode Disni".

JIka ingin menggunakan kode selain HTML, misalnya java atau javascript, maka ubahlah "language-html" sesuai dengan attribut yang ada di bawah ini.
HIghlight Kode -  Cara Mudah dan Cepat Membuat Highlighter Code Pemrograman di Postingan Blog

Perlu diperhatikan.. sebelum menambahkan kode program, silahkan untuk di parse terlebih dahulu. Mengapa? Apabila kode langsung di paste maka tidak akan muncul. Hal ini dikarenakan CMS blogger akan mengeksekusi format HTML/Javascript dan terkadang akan error apabila kode tidak di parse terlebih dahulu.

Untuk parse kode silahkan disini

Semoga rtikel ini dapat membantu.

Sumber :

Interview Kerja Pertama | PT. Markplus Indonesia ( - Bagian 1

August 27, 2017 Add Comment
Alhamdulillah, akhirnya saya bisa menulis kembali perjalanan hidup yang sempat terhenti. Eh, nulisnya maksud saya.

Setelah berjuang bebrbulan-bulan melawan malasnya mengerjakana tugas akhir ditambah mengerjakan laporan tugas akhir yang sering direvisi akhirnya pada tanggal .. saya dinyatakan lulus. Alhamdulillah!. Namun, tidak bisa berlega hati karena revisinya juga belum selessai dan harus rajin-rajin ke ruang prodi untuk memburu dosen. Iyah, buat minta TTD! .

Setelah selesai semua dan tinggal menunggu yudisium dan wisuda, hari hari hari (3x, sunnah) saya setelah itu menjadi kelabu (heleh!). ia, soalnya masih belum dapet tuh kerjaan hingga hari itu. Oh iya, saya memang merencanakan untuk stidaknya mendapat pekerjaan sebelum wisuda saya tanggal 30 september.

Hari demi hari saya lalui sebegai bujangan, eh maksudnya jobseeker!. Semenjak itu saya sudah daftar dimana-mana, di jobstreet paling banyak sampai kira-kira 140an lamaran!. Namun sayang 4 tawaran interview harus di Goodbye, bye!.. yang 3 karena wktu pemanggilan, saat itu saya sedang berada di Madura, yang 1 lagi karena jadwalnya crash wkwkkwkwk . Nah, jadwalnya yang crash ini dijadwalkan 28 agustus 2017 pukul 11. Sedangkan jam 9.30 ada jadwal interview di .

Interview Kerja Pertama | PT. Markplus Indonesia (
Saya berangkat dari rumah jam 8.15 menitan iyah, jam segitu cukup lah buat saya yang masih buta Jakarta!. Haha. Saya ke lokasi menggunakan Google Maps, yaiyalah!. Tapi ya tetep aja nyasar T_T . saya keliru jalan, jadi harus puter-puter balik jos! Wkkw.

Gedung 88 (bacanya eighty eight)

Sekitar pukul 9.20an saya sampai di gedung 88. Iya!, kantornya bersemayam disana. Well, seperti biasa pasti tempat parkirnya susah ditemukan wkwkwkwk . bener dah, saya harus Tanya satpam berkali kali untuk tahu dimana tempat parkir dan bagaimana caranya biar bisa masuk gedung. Oh My! Anak kampong nyasar banget dah pokoknya.


Sudah sampai nih di, perut saya berdetak kencang!, eh hati maksudnya.

Receiptionist : “ada yang bisa dibantu pak ?” 
Me : “saya mau interview mbak ” 
R : “oke silahkan duduk dulu ya” %^%##$%^#%#%$#^#$%#@%$^%$ 
R : “mas mari saya antar ke ruang meeting” 
Me : “yuk cus sis!”. eh maksudnya “iya mbak”.

Saya duduk di ruangan segi 4 (kayaknya). Serasa duduk di hotseat, tapi ga ada orang wwkkw. Iyah disana tidak ada pelamar lain selain saya yang hadir. Memang posisi yang saya ambil agak rare peminat, yaitu Web Designer & SEO.

Waktu berjalan begitu cepat hingga jam 10 an ada yang pekerja perempuan datang!. Sepertinya HRD, dia memberikan form untuk di isi. Yaudah deh saya isi. Terus saya kaget, belum selesai di isi sudah ada yang masuk 1 orang. Perawakannya sih Programmer atau SEO specialist gituh hehe. Lol, saya lupa namanya siapa! Wkwk . dia mulai menanyakan tentang diri saya dan apa yang ada di CV saya, penghargaan, project yang dikerjakan dll.

Kemudian dibalik pintu ada seperti bayangan yang ingin masuk!, eh ternyata pewawancara 2. Dia masuk dan bertanya-tanya tentang projek web yang saya kerjakan. Saya di interview oleh 2 orang!. Pertanyaan yang satunya seputar SEO dan yang satunya seputar Web. Setelah itu saya diminta menjelaskan projek-projek yang pernah saya buat hingga laporan tugas akhir saya pun tak luput untuk dibuka wkkw (karena tugas akhir saya memang berhubungan dengan SEO). Karena melihat keahlian saya ada 3 yaitu web, SEO dan design. Projek-projek lomba sayapun tak luput utnuk dipertontonkan.

Interview Kerja Pertama | PT. Markplus Indonesia (

Alhamdulillah saya bisa menjelaskan pertanyaan mereka dengan baik (versi gue kwkwk). Setelah itu salah satunya bilang “masnya lebih tertarik untuk jadi programmer atau SEO ?” saya jabanya rada bingung.. karena itu merupakan satu kesatuan yang tidak dapat saya pisahkan dalam hidup wkwkkwkw. Akhirnya saya pilih “programmer”. Setelah itu chit chat dikit dan mereka keluar. Alhamdulillah, saya lega karena mungkin setelah itu pulang. waktu saat itu kira-kira jam 11.15 an.

Beberapa menit kemudian ada “tok-tok” . Ia ada yang dateng lagih, haduh gajadi pulang deh. Ini mas mas alim banget, namanya mas G haha udah kaya mau diceramahin aja . Dia Tanya Tanya seputar pengetahuanku di bidang web dan pengalamanku di bidang web. Dia juga coba-coba menguji tingkat kepemahamanku tentang web seperti framework frontend Js, php dll. Dia Cuma bertanya Tanya kira-kira sekitar 20 menit saja. “Baiklah, nanti 30 menit lagi saya kesini. Silahkan dilanjutkan form untuk HRDnya ya”.

Adduh, hati ini udah dag dig dug derr duar (maap alay). 30 menit saya menunggu hasil. Akhirnya mas G masuk, “kita coba technical test ya, coba buat #$%&*(*&^%$#%^ E-commerce gitu, tapi sampai chart aja” . Me : “inshaAllah bisa mas”, Mas G : “Jamberapa kira-kira selesai ?” Me : “hmmm inshaAllah jam 2 mas (padahal dalem hati uda gak yakin bakaan selesai jam 2)”. Kwkwkw

Jam 11.45 saya mulai ancang ancang mau buat yang seperti apa. Ngebut bingit lah!, iyah banyak yang error deh akhirnya tapi Alhamdulillah errornya bisa diselesaikan dengan baik. Jam udah menunjukkan jam 2, eh ternyata belom selesai! Kurang dikit!. Panik donk saya jadinya! . Mas G pun datang dengan wajah senyam senyum, “udah ?”. Me : “Belom mas kurang sedikit T_T”. Mas G : “apa mau dikasih kirim apa mau diselesaikan dulu ?”. Me: “diselesaikan dulu aja mas..”. Mas G : “okeh, setengah jam cukup ya.. Nanti di kirim email ya, jam 2.30”.

Akhirnya selesai dikirim email. Dan mas G masuk dan menjabat tangan saya dan good bye, udah deh hari itu. Kemudian HRD masuk, iyah dia mengambil fomr saya dan sembari Tanya Tanya nama, asli dll. Keudian saya Tanya “apakah testnya ada lagi ?”, “ia, nanti akan ada 2 test lagi. Jika lolos nanti kami kabari ”. hahahaha akhirnya saya dipersilahkan pulang. Dan pualng deh pake google map. Ini pulangnya juga nyasar!.

Sesampainya dirumah saya cek email, mungkin aja ada panggilan interview. Eh ternyata ada pesan mas G untuk kirim ulang emailnya karena ga ada kwkwkw.

Keesokan hariya sekitar jam 6 sore saya diminta mas G untuk menjelaskan apa yang sudah saya buat. Saya menawarkan untuk menceritakannya melalui word, biar ala ala mahasiswa gituh hahah. 

Setelah ini tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi, bisa dipanggil bisa juga enggak. Namanya juga orang berusaha ya kaan :D . InshaAllah kalau dipanggil lagi nanti saya cerita lagi deh :D 

“Shoot for the moon. even if you miss, you’re bullet will land among the stars”.

Farewell Mom | A Sad Story Against Cancer

April 22, 2017 Add Comment
I lost mom on April 23 2017 to the most horrible dreadful disease, cancer. I never thought she would lose her battle against the disease. I never wanted to say goodbye. All I promised her was a happy long life with her children. She struggled so hard to be health for her beloved children. But her fate shown different way after all.

It's not a fact I choose to dwell on, but I grow up knowing that one day, my parents will no longer be with me. I have lost one, the one I love the most. It became a loss which irrevocably changed the landscape of my life.
Yet no-one had realised she would lose her battle at the age of just about 40, leaving behind a husband and 4 children including me.

Then I always remember the days she suffered through excruciating pain day-in and day-out which was one of the worst experiences I can imagine. All I could do was holding her hand saying she will be all right, just to distract her from what she was feeling. I felt helpless and hopeless, and I did feel like to take on the pain for her.

People really want me to let her go. I have already tried so hard but her face always haunts my mind. We created memories together. I will literally never forget those last few days she was with me :( .. After months of no appetite, she craved everything –we shared some 'gorengan' together for lunch just like old times, and she told me to eat properly and drink a lot of water. She still worried about me. I can even still hear her voice now. And her face is clearly drawn in my mind. I miss her :( . I wish I could see her again.

November 2016,
My mom was diagnosed having cervical cancer symptoms after giving birth to my youngest sister, Nabilla. It crushed her mind. She tried sho hard to become health again - she always visited hospital for medical checkups until the doctors told her to do a major surgery to take all away her uterus before the disease spread to other parts inside her body, just to save her life and increase the possibility of having a longer life.

December 2016,
On the 5th of December, my mom was having her very first big surgery. I remember that it took about 8 hours to wait for my mom's surgery process. It was absolutely a crucial moment between life and death but a very big gratitude for God to save her life.
Her nightmare started from here. She became so fragile, in terms of being sick almost everyday in her recovery time.

January 2017,
In the new year eve night she was hospitalized. There were problems with her stomach. I began so stressful. She moaned to feel painful in her stomach. Luckily it was just a diarhea symptoms so doctors could take it over and my mom felt better, then we was allowed to go home.

In this month ( if I ain't mistaken), the surgery result is noticed. The doctor told mom to have a laser radiation as her therapy to make sure that her disease no longer lives inside her body.

We went to hospital almost everyday since then. And another problem appeared. There was a vistel (hole) in mom's .. I don't know the word in English - it's a place to retain her urine before we throw it through our penis/vagina. This problem caused mom couldn't take a pee because it just always flowed everytime. The doctor wanted to repair it but she must have finished the teraphy before doing another surgery. Oh God, poor you mom.

February 2017,
Mom and I visit the hospital very often to administer the therapy until we scheduled the radiation start from the first week of march. But due to the broken plane the therapy had to be postponed.

March 2017,
My mom's condition was getting worse. She griped to be weaker and having illness in stomach. Doctor said it was just fine, The surgery effects. My mother didn't want to eat and drink properly. I tried to motivate her but didn't work at all.
In the last day of March she was being hospitalized. Doctor said she needed more minerals or liquids and had to stay for several days until her condition become well enough to go home. My mother was infused. After days of being hospitalized, she was not getting better.

April 2017,
Things were not looking up. A doctor of kidney said my mom's kidney had a decreasing function that caused mom to do a blood therapy,- it's like washing her blood through a big machine. Yes, the trouble in kidney made mom couldn't breathe properly and sometimes feel itchy on all over her skin. And of course it made her became so weak. Her blood was washed twice a week. Her kidneys could no more throw away all of toxics like disuse minerals in her blood.
My mom was not really getting better, she couldn't speak loadly and sometimes I couldn't understand her despite maybe she tried to put across what she wanted to say.
Her stomach was getting bigger-like a pregnant woman.

April 23 2017
It's the saddest day, year ever in my life!. My mom was unable to fight anymore and I should let her back to her owner.

Good bye mom, I love you!

My Very First Trophy - Winning a Story Telling Competition in Bangkalan

March 24, 2017 Add Comment
Hi, it's been a long time since I wrote the last post!. I have been working on my final task, I will graduate this year in September, wish me luck!. Hehe, I am fed up with it anyway so, right now I need to call it a day. In this post I will tell you my experience of getting my very first achievement in my life. It's a little bit boring I guess, but if you really want to know about this story, welcome home :D . Well, if you are asking why this post is written in English?, because I just want to ensure that my English is not fading. To be fair, new language will be usually fading if you do not use it very often in your activities. Okay, it's done for the introduction. I am not wasting my time to write a single paragraph of introduction lol.

Story Telling Competition

What is that ? It's a competition about student's ability to tell a story (it can be about about tales, legends, fables etc) using English language. This competition is annually held by a reputable high school in my town. Every participant is from around the city, specifically for junior high school students.

Why did I join this competition ?

I don't know lol. My teacher made me following this competition. She saw me having a good potential, I guess haha. She put a trust in me. Well, I am kind of a person who really can't let people down (who believes me). 

How did I prepare it ?

Firstly I don't know who choose the topic. But the chosen story was Malin Kundang and it was a far-fetched story, An epic educating legend from Sumatra (if I ain't mistaken, sorry :( ) . Everyone from the 90th-2000 should have known this story. But, I do believe kids from this crazy era know nothing about this haha. Their phone is on the cutting edge now, they have no time to read fables or books or anything lol,  Let me tell you a very short summary about this.

--- once upon a time there lived a poor mother with her son. Her mother nourished him everyday. Her son has grown up as a goody-goody man. Until one day, her son went away sailing to help his mother to live their life. year by year has passed. Her mother lost him for years.
Malin came to his birth island, his home for a purpose. Then he met his mother. His mother was very exited about his coming, he turned into a very rich man and already married a beautiful woman but unfortunately, he didn't admit his mother as his mother... then her mother cursed him, and he became a big rock in the seashore  ----

Here are some preparations I did :

  • I memorize the text ? Really? Yes! I memorized about 2 papers of the given story. It hurt at first, I mean I didn't use to memorize things. I directly speak with lots of errors in grammar lol
  • I speak in front of the mirror, Mirror, it was the only friend I had at my room lol, this activity aimed to get myself used to speak confidently in front of the audience. I speak a lot.
  • I did not doubt myself, I was over confident wkkwkwkw. This is kind of a suggestion to take over your mind that you are the only smartest, most handsome and the luckiest person in the world. Of course being too proud of yourself is not good. But, for me I must do this to emphasize down of my nervous feeling.
  • Pray a lot. He will be always with me and you. Ask Him whatever you want. Don't stop praying and believing in his miracles :)
  • Do your best, Just do your best!

On the competition day

I was so nervous, My biggest concern was forgetting the whole passages I memorized. Then I drunk some water too much to overcome my gut feeling of being in the competition room. Well, I was shocked!, there were questions! the judges would gave the questions and it took me aback like.. heeell yeeeeah!. All participants has shown their best, now is my turn.

--- On the stage
I dared myself to go, didn't know what would I get. I began it smoothly. But.. Nobody gave their attention on me, even the judges did the same thing. And I was like, "hey, don't ever underestimate the power a bullied guy who grows up with dreams!". Then, what did I do ? I started speaking loudly, I enhanced my body language, I stared their eyes with my shiny eyeball.. I acted like a Malin Kundang's mother (I gave it some real actions). And I succeed to amuse and hypnotize them. people gave me applause, Yes I did it, I did it! hahaha. Well, the competition didn't stop there, it was inadequate. I must be suffered again due to the questions they would give me. However, it was solely given to test my English skill. And how did it go ?

---Questioning time
There were 3 judges, they were all women, but I am no sure lol. My heart beat faster!, I was afraid of making mistakes in the answers. Well, I forget their question but, I could answer the questions very well. The only question I remember is with who do you come here ? or who taught you english ? (I really forgot the questions to be honest, but these both are alike). I proudly shouted "My teacher, there she is". I aced the competition and yes, I was all refreshed.

--- Announcement
I asked my teacher, "what if I failed...", "it's okay you have done your best!". I was totally confident. I went into the room to see the announcement. and one by one of the winners were called.. I had been fully depressed until they called my name, Yes I got the third expectancy. It was a miracle. I was so exited, I wanted to thank my teacher for guiding me all the way since I knew nothing about English.

yes, there was something wrong. One of the winner whom I thought didn't perform very well (I am implying her English and performance was worse than mine) was in the second place. How could it be ? . My teacher said, "it's okay, if you are wondering why this could happen. It is all common here, money can buy anything...". "Oh, I see it now" .

To sum up

I really got a kick out of having that trophy. It's my very first trophy, ever!. I kept my nose to the grinstone and I prayed a lot. So in the next chance i will do the same thing :)

Here is my winning picture :
My Very First Throphy - Winning a Story Telling Competition in Bangkalan

Thanks a lot for reading my story guys :) , I will post other motivating stories of mine in the near future. Have a good day :) .
I forgot one thing. I won it in 2009 in SMAN 4 Bangkalan Madura :D

Pasukan Yang tak Terlupakan dari Lapa Laok Dungkek Sumenep

February 13, 2017 Add Comment
Akhirnya bisa kembali hadir untuk berbagi cerita

Ini adalah cerita dari lapa laok, lokasi saya menjalankan KKN. Hari ini Jum'at tanggal 29 Juli 2016 saya meluangkan waktu luang saya unutk memenuhi janji. Ya, janji untuk menemai teman-teman baru saya berjalan-jalan. Well, destinasi kami adalah pelabuhan lapa laok dan sekitarnya.

Sebelumnya kami sudah janjian untuk pergi memancing di hari jumat.

Pekenalkan teman baru saya. Aang, hadi, inur dan bai. they respect me and I kindly love them so much.
Lapa Laok Dungkek Sumenep KKN UTM 2016

Lapa Laok Dungkek Sumenep KKN UTM 2016

Lapa Laok Dungkek Sumenep KKN UTM 2016

Lapa Laok Dungkek Sumenep KKN UTM 2016

Lapa Laok Dungkek Sumenep KKN UTM 2016

I still try to remember things we have passed together. I remember every piece of memories we put into photographs. I MISS THEM SO MUCH
Note : Alhamdulillah bisa ngeblog lagi, ini merupakan cerita yang saya simpan sebagai draft