UKM Batik Madura in 2016 and it's Problem

June 06, 2016 Add Comment
Suramadu has brought a positive impact for UKM batik Madura. Before suramadu exists Batik Madura was less known. But after 2009, everything changed. According to the results of interviews that have been conducted with Warsih (2016) the Presence of Suramadu makes batik Madura production gets increased and get doubled profit up to 400% which was originally only 50% per month. Of which normally only sold about 50 batik, now can be up to 1000 pieces of batik per month. But as the time goes by, Suramadu doesn’t only bring positive impact, but negative impact as well. The level of competition for UKM batik in Madura is getting harder and even more difficult which causes not all UKM batik in Madura gets optimal income for their batik production (Warsih, 2016).

But, It is not the only problem. Another problem is nowadays most people in indonesia are much more familiar with java’s batik than madura’s (Puspitasari, 2012). Whereas Madura’s Batik is very unique, enchanting and beautiful . The making process of Madura’s batik is still traditional and using natural materials that give more values to Madura’s batik essence. Even Madura’s batik has it’s own characteristic for the colors and the motives that makes it different with other kind of batik. The reason of that problem is because almost all UKM of Batik in Madura are small company (home industry) where the management or production systems and the making of Madura’s batik is done by unit or personal. And the level marketing strategy is also different in every UKM but still don’t get the optimal income. They only sell their batik production at their home and the closest market. This reason is one of hundreds factor why Madura’s batik is not familiar (Rusnani, 2014).

From those problems, the idea to develop an information system technology appears. This information system is aiming to help UKM batik in Madura to sell their batik production where this tecnology will become a virtual market which only sells batik from Madura. This information system will show all of UKM batik’s production completed with the information of the quality, price, the making process, motives explanation and other additional information to make buyers get interested to buy. This information system also will give an ease for buyers to buy batik and freely choose the best one for them in 1 place so that the value of batik production in each UKM will have bigger opportunity to get optimal income. In other words, the expectation of this information system is to make people from indonesia or abroud familiar with Madura’s batik and to increase the number UKM batik’s production. The use of technology for bussiness is known as e-commerce. For small companies such UKM the benefit of using technology for marketing are 1. To serve customers faster, 2. Send and receive offers quickly and 3. Support the fast and efficient transaction (Toisuta, PERAN E-COMMERCE UNTUK MENINGKATKAN DAYA SAING UKM, 2010). The use of technology is very important. For UKM batik, the use of technology can be a way that must be tried to increase the number of batik production and introduce Madura’s batik to the world. So, the opportunity to export the product is bigger.

But a tarining in how to use this technology is needed because they know nothing about how to use technology to help them selling their batik production. Basically this training would be given to train Madura’s batik sellers in marketing their products through the information system. This training is palanned to have collaboration with Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan and UMKM in each district in Madura.