The Hardest Week Ever!

May 09, 2016 Add Comment
Yeay, Happy Monday:3. I am absolutely happy today, yes after facing thousands of duties finally I could be really free for sure (I think). I am gonna tell you guys about how I passed the hardest week ever in my life. It sounds interesting, does it ? (at least for me only lol).

The Hardest Week Ever

Talking about duties, everyone has their own business and duties that will avoid them to enjoy living their life or anything. Last week, I got my self confused on anything and stressed of those which tried to prevent me enjoying to watch youTube lol. It is kind of a set various hard days. but I am gonna tell you the details that may make you understand.

Monday, April 25 2016

On monday i had 2 kind of presentations (It must be 3). 1, my presentation that became a mid-semester test at class and well, I passed it very good and I seek for the scores I seek from my teacher and I got the highest lol.

On this day, MAWAPRES in the University was held. Yes I was selected to show up my self (I mean to do presentation lol) . I got myself presenting my presentation for 2 times because I could pass the first test which means that my score was enough to continue the next test to decide which one is the best one.

Tuesday, April 26 2016

Nothing special than have no laptop besides me. Yes, everything went so worst when my laptop is gone. I never thought to live my life without my laptop after 6 years.  I used to spend my whole day with it.

I tell you that in that day I had a Multimedia Programming middle test exam. It required laptop. Lucky I didn't have laptop but a PC that can help me finishing the task. After I worked so hard doing the exam then an unexpected trouble occured. The lamp dead and the computer shut down unexpectedly. Whoah... I was shocked and stressed out.

But Alhamdulillah, My friend, Etis lent me her laptop because she was quickly about to go home. Haha and I went to my rent house to do the task.

The next Story is, I had a meeting with my KKN friend which is really cool and yes it was going just so so . They were funny. Really not like the way I thought about them before... Everything seemed like so different, I meant the people are not so much friendly I think. Only several people that can be fit with me. But it is all right.. I used to be alone, do things alone and already learned on how to do things very quick and learn in how to control my emotion when I am all alone.

Wednesday, April 27 2016

Still working. Yes, still working even though on this day I got myself really freee... free from all things that annoys me in my daily. But I did design in here, on this day. All things are gone the same. I can't even enjoy my free day.

But the shocking one was, Mr. Arif told me that I was become the first of MAWAPRES in my University. and it's kind of a blessing that I could never imagined before
Pemenang Mawapres Tingkat Universitas Trunojoyo Madura 2016

Thoursday, April 28 2016

I forget what I did on this day... but wait... I quite forget lol , em... But this day was a very busy day too. (it is what happened if you write post a week after the event)

Friday, April 29 2016

I remember, I was about to do a preparation for my training presentation in front of so much students from other faculties., yes we (BEM) cancelled doing that.

Saturday, April 30 2016

I became a tutor, trainer in the event We Help Them. Such a tiring day, and after that I must study for tomorrow's event. Yes I became a trainer again on sunday.

Sunday, May 1 2016

as I told above that I became a trainer in a small workshop of a moslem exhibition in surabaya . It started from 9AM - 9PM. Me and my friend must handle thousands (truthfully dozens of children)
Pelatihan SMART Teknik Informatika Universitas Trunojoyo MAdura 2016

Pelatihan SMART Teknik Informatika Universitas Trunojoyo MAdura 2016

Yes, all of those are possibly nothing if it's compared with your bussiness or duties. But I just want to remind you to enjoy yor life and thank Allah for the breath you have and fantastic awesome colorful days you got :) .    do not forget to be happy :)